Club Rules

Billiard Room and Reading Room Rules

1 All residents in the village and neighbourhood of Hutton le Hole of 14 years of age and upwards shall be eligible for membership.

The subscription shall be 6/- (30p) per year payable quarterly in advance for Billiard Room and Reading Room or 3/- (15p) for Reading Room only.

2 Visitors who desire to use the Billiard Room or Reading Room shall pay 1/- per week. Residents who desire to use the rooms occasionally shall pay 3d per week.

3 The Billiard Room shall be open daily (except Sundays) from 1.00pm till 10.00pm.

4 The fire shall not be lit until 4.30pm unless there be 4 or more regular members wishing to use the room. On Saturday the fire may be lit anytime after 1.00pm.

5 No gambling, bad language or disorderly conduct shall be allowed.

6 Any member of the Committee shall have power to enforce these rules and also to take such steps as he may think fit to prevent any disturbance or acts that might interfere with the comfort of members.

7  Any complaints shall be made to the Secretary of the Billiard Room and Reading Room Club and they shall be investigated by the Committee.

8 A Committee shall be elected annually to deal with all the matters affecting the Billiard Room and Reading Room activities and shall become a sub-committee of the Committee of Management. It shall be responsible for the care of the table and furniture, for the collecting of the member’s subscriptions which shall be paid into the General Fund of the Village Hall. No capital expenditure must be made without the authority of the Committee of Management.

9 The committee shall make suitable arrangements for the collecting of the moneys paid for the billiard playing and for the locking up of the rooms at 10.00pm each night if the caretaker is not able to be present.

10 When not required for other meetings the kitchen may be used by members for a Reading Room from 1.00pm to 10.00pm.

11 All members are warned that the foregoing rules will be strictly enforced.

12 The Billiard Room and Reading Room Committee shall have power to vary these rules but such alterations should be confirmed by the Committee of Management.

Billiard Table Rules

1)  Members shall pay 1d each per 100 up.

Non-members and visitors shall pay 3d each per 100 up.

The money to be given to any member of the committee present or to the caretaker.

The players shall write their names on the pad provided for the purpose.

2)  The table may be used from 5.30pm till 10.00pm. Saturdays 1.00pm till 10.00pm. For visitors and non-members by arrangement with the caretaker.

3)  No smoking shall be allowed over the table.

4)  Any damage to the table or cloth or lights shall be defrayed by the person or persons responsible for such damage.

Badminton Club Rules

1  The Year begins on the first of April.

2   Subscriptions must be paid within one month of joining.

Membership subscriptions are 2/6 (12½p) per year and one penny to be paid for each session of play.

Visitors and people from other villages 6d per hour or 3d on Club Days if Club members are present.

3  Players must replace rackets in the presses at the end of the game.

4   Members breaking a racket must pay half the cost of repair.

5   The feathers of the shuttlecocks must not be hit with the rackets. This counts as a foul.

6   Tennis shoes must be worn and resin must not be used on the shoes

The Village Hall and the Cricket Club

After the Cricket Club reopened in 1959 it was decided that a Pavilion must be built. In order to raise funds from the residents of the village it was decided to hold a stall outside the Village Hall every Saturday afternoon for the sale of flowers, vegetables, cakes, bread etc. The Committee of the Village Hall agreed to the plan lending trestle tables etc. Two women took charge of the stall each week and the total sum of £106 was raised during the summer months.